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Browsing database on term(s): 'Health Care Personnel'

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Ref Code 

SA 362.110942982 A pamphlet by the Senior Surgeon to the Swansea Infirmary, proposing a change in the rules to alter the relationship between the House Surgeon and the visiting surgeons and physicians.
Open Record

Subject(s): Swansea Infirmary, Physician, Surgeon, George Gwynne Bird

Author: George Gwynne Bird

Dates: 1835  Codes: COH, MIH, HCPDO

Collection: Swansea Collection  

Media: Document  #Items: 1  #Pages:

Further Details:

S 040 MED 'The Mouth and Teeth. An address by H.J. Thomas, L.D.S., R.C.S.I., Dental Surgeon (Hon. Surgeon-Dentist Swansea Hospital), De-La-Beche Street, Swansea'
Open Record

Subject(s): Mouth, Teeth, H.J. Thomas, Dental Surgeon, Swansea Hospital

Author: H.J. Thomas

Dates: ud  Codes: COH, HCPDE

Collection: Swansea Collection  

Media: Document  #Items: 1  #Pages:

Further Details:

S 040 MED 'On the employment of trained nurses among the Labouring Poor, considered chiefly in relation to sanitary reform and the arts of life. By a physician.'
Open Record

Subject(s): Nurses, Labouring Poor, Sanitary Reform, Physician


Dates: 1860  Codes: COH, HCPN, HCPDO

Collection: Swansea Collection  

Media: Document  #Items: 1  #Pages:

Further Details:

SA 610.73 Gowerton and District Nursing Association, minute book, 1905-1968
Open Record

Subject(s): Gowerton and District Nursing Association


Dates: 1905-1968  Codes: COH, HCPN

Collection: Swansea Collection  

Media: Document  #Items: 3  #Pages:

Further Details: Minute books divided into three sections: 1905-1924, 1924-1938, and 1938-1968.

SA 610.730942982 The Swansea and South Wales Nursing Institute in Brynymor Road, Swansea, was a charitable body which housed and employed nurses to work among the poor of Swansea.
Open Record

Subject(s): Swansea and South Wales Nursing Institute


Dates: 1882  Codes: COH, HCPN

Collection: Swansea Collection  

Media: Document  #Items: 1  #Pages: 15

Further Details:

SA 610.730942982 Second Annual Report of the Swansea and South Wales Nursing Institute, 87 Bryn-y-mor Road, Swansea
Open Record

Subject(s): Swansea and South Wales Nursing Institute


Dates: 1884  Codes: COH, HCPN

Collection: Swansea Collection  

Media: Document  #Items: 1  #Pages: 14

Further Details:

SA 610.730942982 Morriston District Nursing Association in affiliation with the Queen Victoria's Jubilee Institute for Nurses: Second annual report
Open Record

Subject(s): Morriston District Nursing Association, Queen Victoria's Jubilee Institute for Nurses


Dates: 1903  Codes: COH, HCPN

Collection: Swansea Collection  

Media: Document  #Items: 1  #Pages: 8

Further Details:

SA 610.730942982 East Side District Nursing Association, Swansea: Report for the year ending December 31st 1910
Open Record

Subject(s): East Side District Nursing Association, Swansea


Dates: 1911  Codes: COH, HCPN

Collection: Swansea Collection  

Media: Document  #Items: 1  #Pages: 7

Further Details:

SA 362.58 Swansea Union workhouse infirmaries: Duties etc of superintendent nurse, charge nurses etc.
Open Record

Subject(s): Swansea Union Workhouse Infirmaries, Nurses

Author: Llewellyn Jenkins

Dates: 1904  Codes: COH, HCPN

Collection: Swansea Collection  

Media: Document  #Items: 1  #Pages:

Further Details:

GB 0216 RISW DN Dr. David Nichol Collection; Physician, member of Roayl Institution of South Wales
Open Record

Subject(s): Dr. David Nichol, Physician, Royal Institution


Dates: 1303-1863  Codes: COH, HCPDO

Collection: Dr. David Nichol Collection  

Media: Document  #Items: 1  #Pages:

Further Details: Lecture notes (nd-1834), plans and diagrams (nd-1861), papers (1859-1863), deeds and documents (1303-1562)


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