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Browsing database on term(s): 'Pharmacists'

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Ref Code 

SA 362.10942982 Swansea Provident Dispensary: Special report of the Committee, November 1879
Open Record

Subject(s): Swansea Provident Dispensary


Dates: 1879  Codes: COH, HCPP

Collection: Swansea Collection  

Media: Document  #Items: 1  #Pages: 8

Further Details: Library notes: The Swansea Provident Dispensary in Orchard Street provided medical attendance and medicines for poorer people of Swansea who paid a subscription of one penny per week. This Special Report of the Committee revealed that it was not covering its costs, and appealed to the wealthy and well to do to become honorary subscribers to increase the funds available.

D/D X 48/1-2 V. & J. Dowdle Ltd., Swansea: National Health Insurance, Swansea County Borough Committee; statements of amount payable to contracting pharmacist for drugs supplied, 17 July 1930-21 April 1931. National Health Service, Swansea Executive Council; statement of amount payable to contracting pharmacist for drugs supplied, 1 March 1972.
Open Record

Subject(s): Pharmacist, drugs, National Health Insurance, National Health Service, Swansea


Dates: 1930-1931, 1972  Codes: COH, HCPP


Media: Document  #Items: 11  #Pages:

Further Details:

D/D X 51/1 Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain: Letter from D.F Lewis, secretary of the history of pharmacy committee of the Pharmaceutical Society, to Mr.W.J. Pierce of Swansea, concerning the role of grocers as apothecaries in Wales, andincluding an extract from his report on the pharmaceutical importance of the papers of Sir Humphrey Mackworth (1657-1727), 14 May 1956
Open Record

Subject(s): Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, pharmacy, apothecaries

Author: D.F. Lewis

Dates: 1956  Codes: COH, HCPP


Media: Document  #Items: 2  #Pages:

Further Details:

D/D X 51/2 Swansea Local Chemists' Association: Notebook containing draft of resolution passed at an [annual] banquet at the Royal Hotel [Swansea] recommending the formation of a local chemists' association, n.d., c.1910
Open Record

Subject(s): Swansea Local Chemists' Association, pharmacy

Author: Swansea Local Chemists' Association

Dates: c.1910  Codes: COH, HCPP


Media: Document  #Items: 1  #Pages:

Further Details:

D/D X 51/4 'Plough Court, The Story of a Notable Pharmacy 1715-1927'
Open Record

Subject(s): Pharmacy

Author: Ernest C. Cripps

Dates: 1927  Codes: COH, HCPP


Media: Document  #Items: 1  #Pages:

Further Details:

D/D Z 138/1 Medical prescription from Walter Hibbert and Son, pharmaceutical chemist, Neath, 9 June 1909
Open Record

Subject(s): Pharmacy, chemist, medical prescription


Dates: 1909  Codes: COH, HCPP


Media: Document  #Items: 1  #Pages:

Further Details:

SL/EH 283 J. Lister, Castle Street: Itemised bill of purchases (chemists)
Open Record

Subject(s): Chemist, pharmacy


Dates: 1813-1814  Codes: COH, HCPP


Media: Document  #Items: 1  #Pages:

Further Details:

D/D JTD J.T. Davies Ltd. (chemists): records relating to the chemist business
Open Record

Subject(s): Chemist, pharmacy


Dates: 1877-1993  Codes: COH, HCPP


Media: Document  #Items: nk  #Pages:

Further Details:

REF 660/.6/0941 Biotechnology : report of a Joint Working Party
Open Record

Subject(s): Pharmaceutical industry

Author: Advisory Council for Applied Research and Development

Dates: 1980  Codes: COH, HCPP


Media: Document  #Items: 1  #Pages: 63

Further Details:

D/D Z 62/187 S.R. Morris, Dispensing Chemist's, Gowerton. Prescription book.
Open Record

Subject(s): Chemist, pharmacy


Dates: 1912-1926  Codes: COH, HCPP


Media: Document  #Items: 1  #Pages:

Further Details:


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