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Caring for the Banners

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Banners are essentially works of art. However, the banners were made to be used in marches and demonstrations where they have been subject to wind and rain or bright sunlight. They may have been hung for long periods of time in smoky or bright rooms or put in a cupboard or bag at the end of an event and forgotten about until needed again. Inevitably, by using the banners outside in marches, they may become dirty or torn.


Banners like all fabrics, deteriorate quickly if they are exposed to too much light or are left in an atmosphere that is too dry or too damp. If banners have been left in damp conditions, they may become mouldy or may be attacked by insects. They can also deteriorate if they are handled too much.

Banners can be difficult to care for because they are often large and fragile. Two or more people may be needed to handle a large banner.





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